Gum Leaf Seat

Our botanically-inspired Gum Leaf Seats celebrate the magnificence of the Australian flowering eucalypt trees. A giant gum leaf is elegantly curled to create a perfect, ergonomic seat that is both beautiful and comfortable. The adult-size leaf seat is 2.6m long and designed to accommodate four adults or six children. The child-sized seat is 1.5m long and will comfortably seat up to four children.

The Gum Leaf Seats are suitable for installation in public playspaces, childcare facilities, retail environments and domestic gardens.

They are available in eucalypt green, mottled autumnal colours or painted to spec. Each leaf is hand painted to reflect the varying colours found in nature ranging from eucalypt green to mottled autumnal tones.


Length: 2560mm
Width: 800mm
Height:  900mm

Length: 1550mm
Width: 550mm
Height:  595mm

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Child, Adult

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